Thursday, January 12, 2006

More Reasons I Love my Husband

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my husband? Yes? Well, buck up and prepare for more. Sorry.

On Monday afternoon he left for Edmonton for a work related conference. Tuesday he called me "just to say Hi" at lunch, after the last meeting, and at bedtime. Wednesday was pretty much the same. Today, (Thursday), he just called to say he's making a run for it - wants to be home tonight, because he misses me. Aaaaah.

Although, it's just as likely that he misses his comfy chair, his furry feline lap rug, and the wife bringing him ice cream after dinner. Oh, and our really comfy bed (we have a great mattress, wonderful sheets, and a toasty warm but never too hot wool batted quilt on the bed, yes, I made it).

It doesn't matter why he's rushing home now. The only thing I'm worried about (aside from getting some more cleaning done before he gets home) is that the moose, elk, and deer stay off the road and away from his vehicle. Because I don't want him hurt. Oh, and maybe a little because he's driving my car. Which I've been without since lunch time Monday. And which I miss. But not as much as I miss my husband!

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