Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Back at it

It's apparently time for me to start blogging again. Life has changed a lot since I left off - we moved from Grande Cache to Stony Plain, added a dog (Fae) and a cat (Emo) to the family, and were blessed with a nephew (on June 3rd, 2007). The spouse formerly known as DH is now revealed as Tom, and it was his promotion to Project Manager that required our move (he works in the Edmonton office of his company, now).

I miss my friends from Grande Cache, especially Edie, who was not only the best neighbour in the world, but also a loving and supportive friend. Wednesday afternoons seem lonely to me now - they used to be spent in the company of The Quitters (our "used to quilt, but now we're knitting" group). However, I see my parents more often, and spend a lot of Fridays doing quilt-y things with Mom.

We have a great new house in a pretty neighbourhood, and the Town of Stony Plain is a nice place to live. The view isn't nearly as good, but we could only be so lucky so long. Now instead of looking out on mountains, we have a nice back yard with a great wooden privacy fence, and I can watch the dog gallop about while admiring the enormous peonies (that required no work whatsoever on my part).

Over the next little while I will blog some of the things I've done for the past year or so, but will leave off for now, with a few photos of the new critters. Gotta love them.

She looks so innocent when she's sleeping . . .

Yes, Emo was having a bad face day in this shot. Poor little bugger.


Nikki said...

Hey, welcome back Logan! I missed you. The critters are adorable!

Anonymous said...

That is truly an hysterical cat picture. (I hope Emo has better face days than that, sometimes.)